Blood Dot

This is my favorite "realistic" egg fly to use for steelhead. 

Tied on a MFC 7045 Heavy Scud Hook

Sizes: 12, 14, 16 (what I recommend for steelhead)

 - Can be custom tied in any size 6-18

- My "Go-To" size for steelhead is a 12 or 14

- Lake Ontario Salmon eggs are around a size 8

- High Water Steelhead I like a size 10 Orange/Red or Chartreuse/Red

 Colors (first color denotes egg color/second color is the dot color):

Egg/Orange, Egg/Pink, Egg/Chartreuse, Egg/Cerise, Egg/Steelie Blue, Dead Egg White/Orange, Dead Egg White/Pink, Dead Egg White/Steelie Blue, Peachy King/Orange, Peachy King/Pink, Orange/Red, Chartreuse/Red
$3.00/3 Flies